Many thanks to Graham for supplying these pictures of his excellent collection of Watkins guitars plus the accompanying info.. –“My Rapier Mk 1. The only single pickup Watkins guitar I’ve ever seen. When Charlie Watkins was asked about this guitar he said it was probably a prototype. The advert says that single pickup versions of the ‘Rapier de luxe’ were available. Scratchplate and fittings are repro based on the extact plate holes.”
![Rapier Mk 1 180dpi r](
“My ‘time machine’ Rapier 33 from about 1960. All original in almost new condition.”
![Rapier Mk 2 180dpi r](
“The Rapier ‘rack’ – Right to Left: a. The single pickup Mk 1 1958/9b. The ‘time machine’ Mk 2 1959/60c. A Mk 2 for repair approx 1960d. The ‘player’ from 1961 – I’ve had this one since I was 12 years olde. A 1962 Mk 2 to be repaired/rebuilt”
![Rapier rack r](